No event is complete without leftovers and food waste. With long-term storage, they can become a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, have high humidity, as a result of which they quickly turn sour, rot and become sources of environmental hazard. They exude a terrible smell, attract flies, rats and other disease vectors. The decay process begins very quickly, so it is necessary to start the disposal process within a day after the event.

Properly disposed of waste, on the contrary, does not pose any danger, since nature itself copes with their processing.
Only those services that have a special license to provide such services are entitled to carry out activities for the collection, sorting and processing of such waste.
How does this process take place?
After attracting contractors, special containers for sorting are delivered to your site. They are completely sealed and contain liquids with special bacteria to help the fermentation process. As a result of their activities, organic fertilizers are used in agriculture.
Other containers are for composting. The service independently deals with the process of separating the remnants of inorganic substances, after which it puts the waste in special landfills, where the process of decay and transformation into compost takes place quietly.
If the above processes are not available, organic waste is simply burned using special equipment, which is one of the most efficient and safe methods.
The use of chemical neutralization is extremely rare, as it is an expensive and rather complicated process.
In addition to food waste residues, expired goods that have lost their presentation, as well as goods rejected in production, are also processed.
Recycled waste can also be useful. For example, be processed into:
organic fertilizers.
The waste resulting from composting is an excellent alternative to industrial chemical fertilizers, but at the same time it is an environmentally friendly product.
Useful additives.
Modern technologies for processing some products make it possible to obtain starch, bone meal, pectin, organic acids, activated carbon, dyes, preservatives, medicines and much more from them.
Pet food.
This type of food waste processing plays an important role in agriculture.
Alternative fuel.
The processing of food leftovers can become a source of obtaining solid, liquid or gaseous alternative fuels that can be used in industry, agriculture, transport, and utilities.