How many working hours of designers, typesetters, technologists, print operators, packers, forwarders, storekeepers and hostesses are spent on the preparation of the "parcel package"? How much resources are spent in order for programs and booklets to appear at the event information desk? And what is the period of use of the average program in our time? Most likely - a couple of minutes, during which our participant will shoot it on the phone...

First of all, ask yourself and the customer the question: How necessary are the formats of handouts at the planned event. Modern mobile applications and screens of any format are relatively inexpensive, but at the same time completely solve the problem of promptly notifying participants about the program and event parameters.
Souvenirs presented to the participants of the event often become hostages of budgets and creative concepts. Replace cool trinkets with useful little things that will earn already at the event. For example, a water bottle - by giving it to a participant at the entrance, you will be able to provide access to drinking water without having to constantly replenish dispensers for disposable cups, and guests will no longer leave a barely started PET water bottle anywhere.
Uniforms for staff
A strict dress code or suits for rent solve the problem of staff recognition. And a distinctive sign can always serve as a bright touch in the colors of the event, for example, a neckerchief or bandana
Badges, lanyards, tags and other identification marks will be popular until simple, convenient and inexpensive electronic substitutes are invented. In the meantime, we have to work with what we have:
Use non-traditional materials. For example, seeding paper.
Use reusable badges - for example, for internal events, where symbols and positions may not change for years.
Organize the collection and recycling of used badges.