Any event, one way or another, is closely related to cleaning. The site must be prepared, and then the floors and existing surfaces, dishes and cutlery should be washed. Most of us do not think at all about the huge and often irreparable harm to the environment and ourselves caused by the usual synthetic detergents that we use every day.

Some statistics:
approximately 3.4 million people die every year from diseases related to water pollution;
the likelihood of developing bronchial asthma in people who have used chemical cleaning products for several years at home increases by 40%;
substances contained in household chemicals accumulate in the body, settle in the lungs, eventually affect the immune system, affect internal organs, and lead to oncological diseases;
Studies have shown that household chemicals and chemicals found in products of daily use have become one of the main sources of air pollution in cities. In this sense, they already compete with car exhausts.
Why is this happening?
Synthetic detergents contain hazardous substances such as: chlorine (Sodium hypochlorite, Natriumperborat), surfactants (anionic surfactants), phosphates and phosphonates (Phosphate, Phosphonate, NTA, EDTA, Polycarboxylate), formaldehyde (Formaldehyde), phthalates (DEHP, DNOP, DIDP), phenol and cresol. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, provoke allergic reactions, adversely affect the skin and immunity, provoke oncological diseases, affect the endocrine and reproductive systems of a person, accumulate in the body and, in high concentrations, can affect the liver, kidneys, lungs, and nervous system.
The safe content of these substances in household chemicals is no more than 5%, but most of them exceed 25%. Often the most dangerous are plumbing fluids that remove blockages.
As a result, seemingly harmless procedures such as washing, washing floors and dishes can have an extremely negative impact on the health of both cleaning specialists and the participants of the event.
How does this affect the environment?
All the water we waste goes into the sewer, then into the treatment plant. It is often impossible to purify it to its original state (this is very expensive, time-consuming and labor-intensive), so the water is purified only to the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances, after which it enters surface waters.
The combination of formaldehyde, surfactants, phenol, phosphates and other toxic substances forms a mixture that is deadly for all aquatic inhabitants. Simply put, such water starts flowering processes, the biomass of algae is actively growing, which is why the upper layers of water do not let in sunlight, the lack of oxygen gradually kills plants, animals and fish. Reservoirs turn into swamps, making their water unfit for consumption, significantly increasing the cost of cleaning it up.
What to do?
First of all use eco-friendly household chemicals. In our country, many cleaning companies are switching to the use of environmentally friendly detergents, which do not include surfactants, phosphates, artificial colors and flavors. There is no chlorine, organochlorine compounds, phosphonates. They are safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, are well washed out with water and do not cause such irreparable harm to water bodies.
Most often, such products contain soap, enzymes, salt, soda and herbal ingredients. These products are labeled "Leaf of Life" - a Russian environmental mark, which is recognized by international organizations.
Excellent performance in cleaning makes steam equipment (high pressure steam cleaners, mops, etc.). It allows you to abandon most of the aggressive chemicals, since under the influence of high temperature not only dirt is removed, but also pathogens, mold spores, dust mites, eggs of parasites and viruses die.
In addition, water vapor moisturizes the room and removes dust from the air, as it settles along with the smallest droplets of water.
An alternative to synthetic dish sponges is loofah sponge (natural renewable material), and instead of disposable wipes impregnated with chemicals, you can use microfiber cloths and sponges. This fabric is made from synthetic materials, but its service life is almost endless. It absorbs dust particles and does not let them out, does not leave streaks and wet marks, as it absorbs much more water than ordinary fabric, significantly saving on cleaning products.
At the moment, one of the most progressive cleaning methods are probiotics. Probiotic bacteria are non-pathogenic bacteria that can cleanse the space they live in. In contact with water, they begin to actively multiply, eat organic dirt, thereby inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. The activity of such bacteria does not end after cleaning, but continues for several more days after applying the solutions.
Another important factor is saving water resources generally. Using dishwashers to wash dishes (along with environmentally friendly products), we significantly reduce the amount of water consumed, which means we can partially prevent the rapid pollution of water bodies.