At the moment, many catering and restaurants are moving to a more conscious method of working and offer customers a wider range of vegetarian, vegan dishes. This helps to diversify the menu, and also leads to a greater intake of really useful substances and minerals, which are found mainly in vegetables and fruits. And, of course, it helps to take care of the environment by reducing hazardous emissions and waste.
It's no secret that in recent years the incidence of oncology has increased significantly throughout the world. The reason for this is, among other things, additives that are used to extend the shelf life of products, as well as to give them different tastes.

What products can be called ecological?
Those that do not harm human health and the environment both at the stages of consumption and production. They are produced from pure raw materials in territories where there are no hazardous chemical enterprises; pesticides, mineral fertilizers and other additives that have a negative impact on health are not used in their production. The internal structure of organic products is not disturbed, because not subjected to harsh chemical treatment.
What rules for the selection of products should be followed in order to bring the kitchen at the event closer to understanding "environmental friendliness"?
Local products instead of imported ones. This will support regional initiatives and farms, and will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of shipping.
Local produce fresher, tastier and therefore more useful than those that were packed and transported hundreds of kilometers.
Ground vegetables instead of greenhouse: ground vegetables contain 2 times more useful substances, essential oils, minerals than greenhouse ones. They are more environmentally friendly and useful.
Seasonal fruits and vegetables. By giving preference to seasonal local products, you also support local production, reduce transportation volumes, by reducing the demand for out-of-season products.
Minimum heat treatment: minimize the release of carcinogens, as well as the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true today, when many adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.
Products marked Fair Trade (fair trade). This association promotes climate and environmentally friendly production methods. Fairtrade certification improves the environmental performance of farms in developing countries and also reduces the use of chemicals.
What products are preferable to use?
Seaweed. Rich in vegetable matter, fatty acids, iodine, protein, vitamins and antioxidants. The entire marine ecosystem exists thanks to them, because they saturate the water with oxygen. They can be harvested throughout the year, and no harmful fertilizers or pesticides are used in their production.
Legumes. Nutritionists have long been saying that it is healthier to replace animal protein with vegetable protein. 100 grams of cooked beans contain about 7 grams of protein, which is equivalent to 30 grams of red meat. Moreover, the production of red meat causes significant damage to the environment. Beans are a source of B vitamins, protein and fiber. They do not need to be specially fertilized (and sometimes they are used as natural fertilizers), and they also saturate the soil with oxygen and increase its fertility.
Leafy greens. Almost does not need resources for production, therefore it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly food products. Rich in vitamins and minerals, reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.
Mushrooms. They produce almost no carbon dioxide, require much less energy and water than other agricultural crops (500 grams of mushrooms = 7 liters of water, while other products require at least 190 liters). They are also rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium and protein.
Based on our recommendations, you will be able to create a complete menu of the event, rich in all the necessary substances and at the same time reduce the damage to the environment.